ALLAN, Ted ; GORDON, Sidney. The scalpel, the sword : the story of the Dr. Norman Bethune. Boston : Little, Brown and Company, [1952]. 336 p.
ALLAN, Ted ; GORDON, Sidney. The scalpel, the sword : the story of the Dr. Norman Bethune. London : Robert Hale, [1956]. xvi, 271 p. ALLAN, Ted ; GORDON, Sidney. Skapel a med. Praha : [s.n.], 1956.ALLAN, Ted ; GORDON, Sidney. Artz auf drei Kontinenten. Berlin : Verl. Neues Leben, 1961. 390 p.ALLAN, Ted ; GORDON, Sidney. Artz auf drei Kontinenten. 13 Aufl. Berlin : Verl. Volk u. Welt. 1962.390 p.ALLAN, Ted ; GORDON, Sidney. Skapel i mecz. Warszawa : [s.n.], 1962GORDON, Sidney ; ALLAN, Ted. Il bisturí e la spada : la storia del dottor Bethune. Milano : Feltrinelli, 1955. 353 p.